delete file yg terinfeksi virus

Pengalaman baru terhadap file yg terinfeksi virus. Udah coba pakai symantec (antivirus andalan di kantor gue) yang up2date dan avira yg up2date juga tetep kekeh itu file cuman terdeteksi doank tp ga bisa di quarantine atau di delete. Delete manual pun ga bisa. Lebih sebelnya lagi, udah gue coba delete pakai Linux Slax tetep ga bisa. BT abiz...

Akhirnya coba delete pakai Windows XP yg bootable. Masukin dah CD-nya jadi first boot, lalu pilih repair. perintahnya kalo ga lupa gini:

C:\WINDOWS>CD system32
C:\WINDOWS\system32> attrib ctfnom.exe
C:\WINDOWS\system32> attrib -r ctfnom.exe
C:\WINDOWS\system32> del ctfnom.exe

Setelah di cek ulang di Windows explorer, tuh file dah ga ada lagi dan si antivirus udah ga detect

Creating email distribution list in Exchange

Share lagi ah pengalaman membuat group di Windows Server 2003.

A distribution list can be used to send e-mail messages to multiple people at once by sending mail to a single e-mail address.

To create a distribution list:

  1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. In the details pane, double-click the domain name (such as
  3. Right-click Users, point to New, and then click Group.
  4. Enter an account name for the group.
    This is the name of the account that users can use to send mail to the members of this group, such as myteam.
  5. Under Group Type, select Distribution, and then click Next.
  6. Check Create an Exchange e-mail address, and then click Next.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Double-click the name of the distribution list you just created.
  9. On the Members tab, click Add, and enter the names of the users you want to become distribution list members.
  10. When you have completed adding names to your distribution list, click OK to close all open dialog boxes.

After the group has been created, you can send e-mail messages to the distribution list and all of the members will receive the message.


AngAntivirus.vbs? ada yang pernah denger? gue baru tau waktu ada karyawan yg komplain. Setiap kali masuk windows setelah restart selalu muncul notofikasi "windows can't find file"c:\WINDOWS\system32\AngAntivirus.vbs"". Nah, gue mau share sedikit nih tetang cara ilangin notifikasi ini, sebel jg kalo tiap kali masuk windows selalu muncul. Gini caranya:

  1. Setelah login windows, tekan tombol CTRL+ALT+DEL untuk membuka Task Manager.
  2. Klik tab Processes, kemudian cari “wscript.exe” dan Klik end task untuk menghentikan prosesnya.
  3. Buka “Regedit” dengan menggunakan Run command.
  4. Akses ke “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon”
  5. Buka “Userinit” dan ubah menjadi “c:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe,” (tanpa tanda kutip). Lalu tutup kembali Regedit.
  6. Jalankan “Command Prompt” dengan menggunakan Run command.
  7. Ganti direktori ke “windows\system32″
  8. Ketik “attrib -s -h -r angantivirus.vbs” (without quote) lalu ENTER.
  9. Ketik “del angantivirus.vbs” (ingat, tanpa tanda kutip) lalu ENTER.
  10. selesai
Jika di restart sydah tidak muncul lagi :)


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